2022: A Year in Review

2022 has been the best year yet for Embark! We accomplished so much, and graduated a new cohort of outdoor-proficient Alumni. We cannot wait for next year!

Camping, Climbing and Rappelling in Moab, UT

Our capstone trip this year was a 3-day camping and climbing trip in Moab, where participants climbed up and rappelled down a 200-ft hanging rappel. This was a true test of all the skills participants have learned in Embark during the 6-month season, and was also a transformational trip for the whole team.

Moab photos by Janelle Dransfield

City of Rocks 3-Day Climbing Trip

Our team practiced some granite climbing in City of Rocks, Idaho, lead by Embark’s Assistant Director, Meg O’neill. Exceptional climbing was accomplished even though some of the girls stayed up all night giggling in their tents! Unfortunately, only videos of this event survived, no photos!

Mid-Summer Water Trip to Logan Canyon

Based on a team vote in 2021, one of the major collective goals of our participant this year was to learn to swim and safely engage in water-based outdoor activites. None of our participants had ever had the opportunity to attend swimming lessons. So, throughout the summer we organized multiple swimming lessons, and they turned out to be our highest attended events in history! Embark participants and volunteers then took to the water for our next multi-day activity: to practice the water safety skills we learned over the summer.

Climbing at The Front

Our team met regularly at The Front to practice climbing, belaying, and to prepare for our upcoming outdoor climbing trips. Special thanks to Janelle, who, in 2022 was both an active volunteer for Embark AND on staff at The Front, so she could always help teach proper gym climbing technique to our team! And as always, thank you to The Front for welcoming us and for your ongoing support.

Local Educational Hikes and Day-Climbing Trips

From March to October, in addition to our days climbing indoors and multi-day climbing trips, our team went on bi-weekly hikes as well as an added-bonus outdoor climbing day in Big Cottonwood canyon, guided by Utah Mountain Adventures. We are so grateful for their support! Here are a few photos of our other adventures this season.


To everyone who made this possible for us this year! To all our our community supporters and donors, we are endlessly grateful.